Hong kong tram advertising had a close call but despite last years threats to scrap Hong Kong’s trams, the peoples voice seems strong to keep this amazing heritage piece of Hong Kong…and its cool advertising.
Tram ads. Is it Awesome?
hong kong tram advertising…slow is good. The Hong Kong Island trams serve as cheap transport with a nice old time colonial feel while going around Hong Kong island. Allot of people prefer the MTR because its fast and trains come every 3-5 minutes. But what else is the tram doing? It’s being the islands best slow moving billboard. Nice in your face, slow moving, full body wrap type of billboard, which is what advertisers want. Longer impression times and impact due to conspicuousness. The trams are big enough so with full body wrapping the size is bigger than most, but not all, signs on Hong Kong island, yet cover viewers from both ends of the island instead of being stationary. How cool is that?
Last summer there was talk of scrapping these amazing historical trams. Seems like that idea went away rather quick with the loud voice of locals. Thank goodness.
See this video from the SCMP on the history of the tram: http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/education-community/article/1851352/love-it-or-dislike-it-hong-kong-trams-must-stay

Could it be that the tram fare is low due to the large income from ad space?
This is a theoretical assumption. As trams have been around 110 years. Perhaps the capital return on investment is way past already and the rest is gravy?
Why is tram advertising effective? Well the demographics of Hong Kong island are of well to do folks with disposable income. The island has quite a bit of affluent millionaires, 1 in 9 are. Its a premium audience for the most part. That’s why you see allot of premium luxury brands advertising on HK island. The likes of Gucci, Prada, Rolex, Louis Vuitton, Swiss watch makers galore and on and on! Hong Kong’s central business district is in Central. And the main shopping zone of premium-everything. Of which the tram obviously goes through. The tram ad coverage is rather thorough. That is one reason, but the best reason is its slow speed and eye level view of the ad spaces which are on both sides plus front and back along with the wide coverage of the island.

Bvlgari….of course
Thankfully these cool billboards are not going anywhere anytime soon.
Lets do some Hong Kong tram advertising !
Get in touch with Sovereign Ad for your next advertising campaign in Hong Kong along with the newest media kit for tram advertising.
Our lead media planner Stefan, spent over 6 months in Hong Kong and knows the lay of the land.